Today Simone is 11 months old. She's just growing up so fast. These aren't the greatest pictures, but it's been a few weeks since I posted anything, so I wanted to give you a peek at what we've been upto--which, clearly, hasn't been alot.
Simone is not particularly interested in her toys, but boxes, paper, books, dishes--you name it. If she's not supposed to have it, she loves it. For example, the dishwasher. It's one of her favorite toys. She can be all the way in the other room, and as soon as she hears me open the dishwasher she comes darting into the kitchen to play. Take a look...

Her hair is getting longer and thicker(even more so since this was taken a couple of weeks ago). I couldn't help but snap this mugshot of her crazy hair--hahahah!! Don't worry, she doesn't go out in public like this ;-). This was after a full night's sleep, before I combed it.

And finally, take a look at this!!! Remember her swing? The one we couldn't get her to sit in for even 3 minutes when she was tiny? Well, I went to pack it away now that I'm trying to create her play room. She threw a fit, wanting to sit in it with her baby. I haven't been able to put it away since. It barely rocks becuz she's too heavy now, but she loves it nonetheless. Little punk. Typical.

And in action...