Sunday, September 27, 2009


For Simone's second birthday we could think of nothing that she would love more than celebrate it at an amusement park. So up we went to Knoebel's, where they've got tons of toddler rides for her to enjoy. Lots of family and friends met us there and we had a great time.

We arrived, however, to find out that mommy forgot the birthday candles. So... in an emergency move, we borrowed one from the people at the adjacent tables. Of course, their little boy was celebrating his 5th birthday, so Simone blew out the number 5 a few years early. I'm sure we'll all laugh about this one day!

Simone kept going strong all day, but all the excitement was just too much for daddy!...

Fishing for prizes in the fish pond.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

We can't believe it, but it's already the end of summer. And Simone's first summer with daddy has been awesome-- Disney, swimming, festivals, parks, ice cream cones, bicycles---we've had a blast.
So, to close out the season we took a trip to Williamsburg/Busch Gardens for Labor Day weekend. It was wonderful. We stayed at a resort just next to the park and had tons of fun.

Playing on the playground...

Get ready...

My super favorite photo of the weekend!!! It's crazy what sliding boards do to her hair!!! LOL!!

And some swimming, of course. Although the water was a little chilly.

Like daddy, like daughter...

Running in the big field by the river. She's too cute!!

The views on our walk after swimming...

Tony outside the main pool/recreation building.

Stopping to smell the flowers...

On Friday evening after dinner we went down to the old town. Simone found lots of hats in the toymaker's shop.

Spent all of Saturday at the park, from open till close, and Simone was a trooper.

She still loves to watch waterfalls with daddy.

And you just can't keep her off the rides -- the higher and faster the better.

Busch Gardens is having a Salute to the Heroes promotion going on this year. They did a really nice job showing military appreciation.

A view of the park. If you've never been, it's probably one of the nicest landscaped we've ever seen.

A closeup of the butterflies, they were everywhere...

And of course, they had the Budweiser Clydesdales on hand. Simone has become absolutely fascinated with horses recently. She watched them for nearly half an hour.

And the other wildlife-- a wolf, and a bald eagle. Up close and personal.

This was Simone's ULTIMATE FAVORITE ride of the day. She went on 4 times.

And a cupcake break. Before and ...


For the most part, Simone was the perfect little girl. Even waiting in lines...

Simone attacked the Dragon Playground like a little warrior. But, she did need an assist from daddy in crossing the net bridge.

Just after dinner we caught the show in Italy.

And then some evening rides...

And last but not least, a pose with mommy (the day's photographer) before we left. All worn out. Hope you enjoyed our trip as much as we did! THE END.