Today was major -- Simone's first day of elementary school. And considering we had to leave the house nearly a whole hour earlier than we are used to, it went pretty smoothly. Simone was so excited and was very cooperative in her new morning routine. It will still take some practice, but we're on the right track.

The school mascot is the wildcat, and each of the grades are referred to as a type of cat. First grade classes are the cheetahs, so Simone thought it was best to wear her cheetah shirt for the first day. And she picked out her own backpack this year -- pink zebra print for little miss fashion!
Last Friday was Open House/orientation--here's a taste of Simone getting to know her new school...
This is Simone's desk. Her teacher is Mrs. Clark, who runs a "Seussville" classroom. |
Standing at her desk. |
And of course we had to check out the cafeteria. Aside from the bus, the cafeteria was the concept that most fascinated Simone. |
Her biggest surprise, however, was the school gym. She'd never been in a gym before and she was impressed! She said, whoa mommy, what do we do in here?! |
We also joined the PTO and already ordered all the requisite Spirit Wear. |
Outside the school. |
And finally, a pose on the school's "Pride Rock".
So, the first day was officially a success. Simone told me that today was the greatest day of her whole life. lol! She said she made new friends (even though she can't remember their names), had lots of fun, and thinks first grade is way better than kindergarten. She's looking forward to going back for more fun tomorrow. Stay tuned for progress reports as she learns school isn't only about playing and having tons of fun, lol!!! Tomorrow is Wednesday--library day! |