Tonight was Spooky Bingo at Simone's school -- a whole new experience for us. The PTO did a great job organizing a really fun family night -- a pizza dinner, costume contest, and bingo game. We got to meet some of Simone's new first grade friends and explore her school.
Simone dressed up as a pirate princess because she wanted to save her real Halloween costume for Halloween. |
Simone joined the whole crowd of kids for a photo op. |
By the second game, Simone was a pro at daubing the bingo card. |
Daddy too got in on the bingo action! |
Needless to say, we didn't win any prizes, which made Simone leave the event in tears. Nevertheless, we explained to her that the most fun part is playing, and after a stop for consolation ice cream on the way home we all agreed it was a great night after all!