Sunday, May 26, 2019

Welcome Summer!!

Well, here we are.  Closing out spring and welcoming unofficial summer.  It's been a while since I posted, but we've been doing lots since Easter.  Here's a glimpse of our last several weeks...

Kicking off spring break with some rolled ice cream.
 And then off to New York City with some cousins.

Finally took the opportunity to tour the 9-11 Museum.

And the memorial again, of course. 
Simone just finished reading a book in school about 9-11, so she was well prepared for our family field trip.

Then walked up to mid town doing our own food tasting tour along the way.

Back at school, there was the spring chorus concert.

Discovered a new ramen restaurant...

 with okononoyaki!!!...

Had long walks with friends...

And a Saturday down in DC to see Into the Woods at Ford's Theater.  Simone's last history unit this year is about the Civil War, so this was a particularly timely visit.  She got to see where Lincoln was shot, as well as the room in which he died.

Simone's developed a new love of ribs, which she had for dinner before the show.

Which brings us to Memorial Day weekend... IN GETTYSBURG!

Met the family for a day trip to the battlefield.

Best cousin friends.

And then family fun doing an escape room with the whole gang-- guys vs girls.  Spoiler alert.....

GIRLS WON!!!!! (in record time)

Simone's got two more weeks of school until summer break.  And we've got lots of summer fun planned this year.  Let's hope it stays a little bit drier than last summer's historic sogginess.