Sunday, November 1, 2020

Happy Halloween!

 Well, this Halloween was one for the memory book, that's for sure!  We did not have the big party we'd talked about last year or go out for what would have been Simone's last year of trick or treating.  No costumes and no friends.  BUT WE STILL HAD FUN AS A FAMILY!!

First, we turned on some Halloween music and decorated a whole bunch of cookies and cupcakes.

Then, as is our tradition, we carved our two pumpkins.  But this year they were both covid compliant, of course!

Then, we set up "camp" in our driveway with a cozy fire and fixings for s'mores.

From our perch we could hear the bustle of the neighborhood and watch the parade of kids walk by to take their candy from the candy tables set up in our yards.  There certainly weren't as many kids as in other years, but it still gave the evening an air of festivity.

Our front porch was closed to trick or treaters, but our jack-o-lantern got a prime spot.  After a couple of hours, we came back in for a warm dinner and our cupcakes.  As with so many things, this year, we made the best of our circumstances and still had a great celebration of Halloween!