Saturday, April 12, 2008

Becoming a Big Girl...


Today mommy, grammy, and I went shopping for my big girl stroller. Mommy took a really long time to pick it out, but I was a very good girl the whole time. Mommy also bought me a few new short sleeve shirts to wear when we visit you.

When we got home I ate my dinner and watched grammy drink her water from that glass that I've been eyeing for weeks. FINALLY, I guilted her into letting me take a sip... I LOVED IT! Soon I'll abandon my bottle and drink only from these glass things. But first I need a little practice.

We also had another bath tonight. And again I almost escaped... it's only a matter of time now. Let me know where you are and I'll meet you there when I finally get away...

I miss you so much.



1 comment:

Wilda said...

I don't know if my first comment was posted.

I think little Simone is just beautiful as is her mom and dad. I wish you all the good blessings God has in store for you