Well, daddy, today Simone is officially 10 months old. And we are entering a new realm--she is fully mobile, and much more independent, curious, and determined (aka stubborn) than ever before. The past week has seen her first tiny steps--very exciting-- and a whole slew of tantrums. I think she is turning into a toddler faster than we expected.
As I've mentioned, she is completely finished with baby food, and she KNOWS what she likes, what she doesn't, as well as when she wants it and when she doesn't. AND, she always reserves the right to change her mind. Waffles for example...
Also, notice the absolutely crazy little patch of hair. hehehee!!
And here's just a sample of the tantrums I mentioned. This particular one was a result of me telling her she could not eat my magazine. Clearly, she understands, but does not like to hear the word "no."
Aunties Christel and Wendy were here to visit un on Sunday. Let's just say, they're a bad, bad influence... hahahahaa!

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