Mommy and Simone headed to PA to spend Christmas week with Grammy & Pop. Mommy put Simone in the car and then PRAYED that both of us made it to Nesquehoning--not a certainty given Simone's low tolerance of her carseat. She was pretty good for the first 2 hours, even took a nice nap. The last hour and half ... not so good. But we made it. (Not looking forward to the drive home.)
When we arrived, Simone's cousins--Peyton, Ella, and Seleste --were waiting to play. Simone introduced herself. Gave Seleste a kiss. And before you knew it, they were all playing like long lost friends.


rammy gave all the girls matching socks to keep their toes toasty warm while they played.

On Sunday Mommy and Pop took all the girls on a trip to Wegmans, the world's most family friendly grocery store, to get some Christmas treats. Mommy and Simone wore our matching winter sweaters -- how cute!
The girls loved riding in the car carts.

And finally...lunch in the cafe. Bring on the pizza, mommy!

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