Except for one tiny curl that I clipped when Simone was an infant, tonight was the first time anyone took scissors to Simone's hair. It was a night of mixed emotion -- Simone was thrilled to be able to sit in the chair and get a haircut like mommy does; mommy was happy to see her so excited, but also sad that she is growing up too fast. It's amazing how much lighter her hair has gotten over the years. It's even hard to remember how dark black her hair was when she was born.

Simone cooperated wonderfully with the hair stylist who complimented her curls before she brushed them out to a head full of frizz. Apparently it's easier to cut curly hair dry, who knew?

At daddy's insistence (and mommy's concurrence), she only trimmed Simone's hair slightly. The end result is barely noticeable, but much needed. Her ends were getting rather dry and split.

TA DA!! All finished. Simone can't wait until next time.
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