We launched our Easter weekend when I picked Simone up from school early on Good Friday. She was asleep when I arrived so I carried her out to the car where she awoke suddenly and cried, "Mommy, no, I didn't want you to come early today -- I'm gonna miss the Passover party!" ...and therein lies the downside of multiculturalism. lol!
Here Simone is at church on Saturday when we went to bless our Easter basket. I'm not quite sure what's going on with her hair, it didn't look that crazy when we left the house.

The day was so beautiful we couldn't resist a family shot in the courtyard, however, we were facing the sun. So we're all a little squinty-faced.

Taking a step back... Grammy and Pop surprised Simone by arriving shortly after we got home on Friday. She wasted no time recruiting them to decorate Easter eggs with her. It was very serious business.

Daddy and baby girl on Easter morning.

As is custom, we had brunch at Patowmack Farm, and this year the owner--who has watched Simone grow each year-- surprised her with a table full of goodies. So sweet.

Our first course was delivered in a festive basket.

And, as usual, a gorgeous view of the river and foliage nearly bloomed on a gorgeous Easter Sunday.

Simone naturally had to pick the two dandelions right away when she spotted them from our table.

A very fine Easter weekend indeed. I sadly forgot to get a shot of Simone's basket from the Easter bunny, but as I type this very post I'm negotiating with her about how much candy she gets to eat from it each day!
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