Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Officially a TEENAGER!!!

To Our Dearest Simone, 

Thirteen years ago today, daddy and I held in our arms a precious, tiny, preemie with her eyes clenched so tightly, and we wondered what the next many years would hold in store.  You were born screaming your little lungs out (to be totally honest, you never really stopped), and we knew the adventure was just beginning! Now, we have a baker's dozen years packed with the incredible memories--love, laughs, tears, quiet, panic, astonishment-- of watching you grow up.  I'm sure we are the luckiest parents on earth.

You, my young lady, are a fierce, lovable, beautiful FORCE and the heart and soul of our family.  We could not love you more.  And we could not be more proud of the teenager you have become. 

ALL Our Love Forever and Always, 

Mom & Dad


Family and friends, 

We would never have imagined that we would ring in Simone's teenage years smack the middle of a global pandemic.  Life has been strange indeed, but it did not stop us from marking this occasion as "monumentally" as possible -- socially distanced of course!  So here's the recap of Simone's 

"13 in the QUARANTINE"

On Saturday, we went into DC to find some wide open spaces for a special edition photoshoot amidst the monuments.  It was a gorgeous, fairly crowded day, but we managed to find lots of great spots all to ourselves.

On the way home from DC we stopped in Arlington for our favorite cake from Randolph.

Instead of a big party, we celebrated 13 days of birthday surprises to include small gifts, special treats, bingo night, and a virtual cooking class. We savored every last moment of 12 years old, then... the inevitable. Her very special day...

Wishing you the happiest of all birthdays, baby girl!  May your coming year be filled with health and joy!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy birthday Simone! You are so kind, smart, brave, and you will make the world a better place! So much love and luck sending your way!!! 13 in the quarantine 🎁🎂🎊❤️ Love, Noelle, Carolyn, and your biggest fan Ravi 😍