Thursday, June 26, 2008

Weekend At The Beach

Last Sunday morning--very, very early--mommy packed us up and we headed to the beach. I was pretty sleepy, but mom said it would be fun!

My first reaction to the ocean was interest, but I was a little scared of the water... ok, a lot scared.

But mommy showed me there was nothing to be afraid of. And pop pop showed me too...

My new friend Cole was scared too. But I told him it was ok...

We played in the sand, and I even tasted it--YUCK!

We also went in the pool back at the beach house. And played on my favorite toy... the coffee table.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Keeping It Moving!

It's been a few days since we've posted some pictures of Simone. She's busy getting herself all around the house these days. She's mastered crawling and she's pulling herself up and climbing all over.
In the mirror picture, Simone crawled all the way in from her nursery to find herself in your closet mirror. She usually waves to herself in the mirror, but it's hard to catch it on video because she stops when she sees the camera.
Then she took a break in the rocking chair. She really likes to rock. It makes her feel like a big girl. Just look how big she's getting!

Here's a small sample of her crawling several nights ago. She's since gotten even better and faster.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Dear daddy,

Do you know that I think you are the VERY best daddy in the WHOLE WORLD? I still remember you-- at least a little-- and my cousins Peyton and Ella told me that you are the FUNNEST dad ever (I think they are jealous of me)!!! And my new friend Danielle, who visited us this weekend, told me that I am the luckiest little girl to have such a great dad. (She also said I look just like you.) I miss you so much. I miss our long walks in the mall, and watching MTV Soul videos on your big TV, and you swinging me around in the air like superman -- that was really fun. But mommy says we will be seeing you again before I know it, and we will go back to doing all those fun things. Me and mommy love you very much and hope that you can still have a happy fathers day even though you are far away. We are remembering you all day today and will have your present waiting for you when you get home.

We miss you so much!


P.S. -- today we went to Great Falls Park with Danielle and Grammy. Here are some pictures. And if you try to call us today(Sunday), call mommy's cell phone. We will be downtown with Danielle.

A Quick Swim

On Friday evening we went for a little swim before dinner. The water was very very warm, and Simone loved all the action. You will love swimming with her, daddy.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sunday Brunch and Playtime

Well, daddy, we had another super fun day. Simone woke up in a TERRIFIC mood. I found her on the bed smiling when I went up, and her good mood lasted just about all day. She was an angel.

Then we went for brunch with Laura and Beckett. Beckett was just the right size and speed for Simone, and she took a liking to him immediately. Here they are wrestling.

and playing....

and playing some more.... the clapping she does in this clip was just a glimpse of what she was doing all day. For some reason today she was clapping and waving at everyone and everything. She was particularly happy, so she's definitely feeling better from her cold.

She also spotted a Venetian mask on Laura's wall that she was mezmerized by. Here she is hiding behind it.

The other thing she just started doing today was trying to feed everyone her food--she holds it up to your mouth and tries to stick it in. She likes to share, and thinks it's hysterical when you taste it.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Mini Crabfest at the Suarez's

Well, Crabfest 2008 was scaled down a bit, but very fun nonetheless. We had chicken, crabs, chorizo, salad, watermelon, cookies, sangria... your favorites. And it was HOT, very very hot. So Simone and Olivia took a dip...

Olivia also had lots of new toys that Simone couldn't wait to test out.

We all had a great time, but it wasn't the same without you. Everyone says hi, and we miss you.

Friday, June 6, 2008

So Much for Keeping Her Off the Pole...

Simone doesn't want much to do with crawling, but pulling herself up to walk...oh yeah! She played with the empty diaper box for nearly 30 minutes tonight.

And a special treat!!!-- look closely daddy. FINALLY I was able to catch a couple shots of her two little teeth!!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Summer Night's Dinner

Summer weather is in full force and that means dinner on the patio. Tonight we grilled venison steaks and potatoes. Simone had mixed veggies in her car, and then played on the blanket in the grass.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Tuesday Trip to Target

Well, tonight we went over to Target for formula. Simone found a new toy friend that made her very happy...

Then she lounged a bit in the shopping cart while we looked around.

But her favorite part was standing up in the cart while grammy pushed her through the parking lot.

And an action shot...