Saturday, April 12, 2008

Becoming a Big Girl...


Today mommy, grammy, and I went shopping for my big girl stroller. Mommy took a really long time to pick it out, but I was a very good girl the whole time. Mommy also bought me a few new short sleeve shirts to wear when we visit you.

When we got home I ate my dinner and watched grammy drink her water from that glass that I've been eyeing for weeks. FINALLY, I guilted her into letting me take a sip... I LOVED IT! Soon I'll abandon my bottle and drink only from these glass things. But first I need a little practice.

We also had another bath tonight. And again I almost escaped... it's only a matter of time now. Let me know where you are and I'll meet you there when I finally get away...

I miss you so much.



Monday, April 7, 2008


Dear Daddy,
Last night mommy gave me my bath for the first time without you. Grammy helped, and they didn't mess up too bad, but it wasn't as fun without you. Grammy wouldn't let me splash as much as you do, and mommy wasn't very good at making me laugh. I tried to make an escape, but they are pretty quick, and they caught me. Mommy says soon I will start taking my baths upstairs in the bathroom because I make a pretty big mess and I keep trying to pull the glasses down. I will tolerate these mediocre baths for now, because I know they are trying, and I know I need to be strong while you are gone. But when you get back you are going to owe me LOTS of bathtime and some new bath toys!! I miss you very very much, and I love you second-most to mommy.

With lots of squishies and kisses,