Sunday, March 25, 2012

Passing Time Picking Flowers

We arrived at church a little early tonight so we spent time outside letting Simone use up some energy. Picking flowers is one her most favorite things to do these days. On Friday afternoon I was looking out our living room window admiring some tulips that are just sprouting under one of the trees when suddenly Simone bounced on the scene and snap! picked one right off before I could yell to stop her.If Simone has her way, there won't be a single dandelion left unpicked on any lawn within 2 miles of us. lol!

All of the cherry trees are now dropping their beautiful petals all over the ground, leaving a pink dusting everywhere. Simone spent a few minutes trying to catch the falling petals and then decided clover and dandelions were easier targets.

And, of course, Tony and Simone spent some time making wishes and blowing dandelions. If you look super closely, both of them were being silly and have a sticker stuck to their forehead. Before blowing one flower Simone said, "I WISH these stickers would fall off our heads. " Then she blew really hard and when the stickers stayed on, disappointedly stated, "These flowers don't work." hahahaha!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

A Soggy Eggstravaganza

Simone has been waiting patiently for our community's spring event/Easter egg hunt. So, today we were sad to wake up to a dark, rainy Saturday morning. Little did we realize that when you're 4 years old the only thing more exciting than a petting zoo and egg hunt is an egg hunt in your rain boots and pint-sized umbrella! The rain didn't phase her one bit. Go figure.
The cherry trees around the community have been beautiful, but today's rain will probably be the last of them.So, imagine a big pen with a whole bunch of damp animals and kids. Yeah, I know... but the kids loved it.
The ducklings were Simone's favorite.
And then the hunt began.

The haul...
Well, not exactly the event we had in mind considering the absolutely picture perfect weather we had all week. But, you know, somehow it was still fun. And then we walked home and had some hot tea to warm up. Very cozy.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Weekend With Kamryne

An embarrassingly loud squeal coming from our front tires sent us on an impromptu trip to PA this weekend for new brakes on the car. So mommy and daddy saved some money on a break job, and Simone got to see Grammy and Pop and play with her cousin Kamryne. Simone had a super great time playing with Kami, even though she was sad that she had such a short visit and didn't get to see all of her cousins. Mommy didn't bring the camera but here are a few shots from the iPhone of a gorgeous sunny Saturday playing at the park.

It was cool to see Simone swinging on the same swings I played on when I was just a little girl at the very same park.

And posing on Grammy's steps...