Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Officially a TEENAGER!!!

To Our Dearest Simone, 

Thirteen years ago today, daddy and I held in our arms a precious, tiny, preemie with her eyes clenched so tightly, and we wondered what the next many years would hold in store.  You were born screaming your little lungs out (to be totally honest, you never really stopped), and we knew the adventure was just beginning! Now, we have a baker's dozen years packed with the incredible memories--love, laughs, tears, quiet, panic, astonishment-- of watching you grow up.  I'm sure we are the luckiest parents on earth.

You, my young lady, are a fierce, lovable, beautiful FORCE and the heart and soul of our family.  We could not love you more.  And we could not be more proud of the teenager you have become. 

ALL Our Love Forever and Always, 

Mom & Dad


Family and friends, 

We would never have imagined that we would ring in Simone's teenage years smack the middle of a global pandemic.  Life has been strange indeed, but it did not stop us from marking this occasion as "monumentally" as possible -- socially distanced of course!  So here's the recap of Simone's 

"13 in the QUARANTINE"

On Saturday, we went into DC to find some wide open spaces for a special edition photoshoot amidst the monuments.  It was a gorgeous, fairly crowded day, but we managed to find lots of great spots all to ourselves.

On the way home from DC we stopped in Arlington for our favorite cake from Randolph.

Instead of a big party, we celebrated 13 days of birthday surprises to include small gifts, special treats, bingo night, and a virtual cooking class. We savored every last moment of 12 years old, then... the inevitable. Her very special day...

Wishing you the happiest of all birthdays, baby girl!  May your coming year be filled with health and joy!

Saturday, September 5, 2020

The Spring and Summer We Never Expected


Well, family and friends, it's been quite a year.  When I last posted to this blog it was late winter and we were on the very cusp of entering into a flurry of fun with all sorts of amazing plans on the horizon -- Simone's spring musical, hosting a foreign exchange student, national honor society induction, a Kentucky Derby party, an array of spring and summer trips, family visits, and holidays.  But as we all know, the fates had other plans for 2020 and on 13 March the pandemic hit and the world stopped for everyone.  Slowly but surely it became apparent that our life wasn't going to be the same again for a long time.  

There have been several times over the last few months when I considered posting, but it just never felt quite right.  However, today it occurred to me that in so much as this blog has become a sort of chronicle of Simone's life, I suppose I should include at least a nod to what might perhaps be the most life-changing part of it.  

So, here we are in September.  Despite the stresses, uncertainties, and general loneliness of the last five months, we have also managed to make the most of our new lifestyle.  The memories we have of this time will be no less precious or memorable than the ones that fill the other pages of this blog.  So, here's a brief summary of what the Dotsons have been up to (other than staying healthy!)...

First up was Tony's birthday.  A quiet evening at home with a cake we got from a grocery curbside pick up LOL!!!

Then came Easter.  It was the first major event of the quarantine period and it all still had a certain novelty about it.  Although it was just the three of us, we still had a lovely and festive Easter. 

We then watched winter turn to spring in a way that I can honestly say we've never taken the time to appreciate before.  We had so many long walks in the sun, in the rain, at all times of the day and night.  We appreciated the flowers and weather and the exercise in a deeply different way.  Simone also has become quite the biker.  Her and dad have put countless miles on their bikes this summer.

Many long days and nights at home also gave us the time to try out all sorts of new recipes.  Food, desserts, drinks -- it was a lot of fun and very very yummy.

To facilitate our culinary creativity, we joined a CSA to ensure a steady, local supply of fresh eggs, vegetables, and chicken.  And happily our very favorite local bakery has so far survived the shutdown and has provided us fantastic curbside pick ups since April.  

Knowing that we'd be home the entire summer we even decided to try our hand a growing a few of our own vegetables.  A tomato plant, peppers, parsley, mint and basil.  

Simone wasn't going to let some pandemic stop her from celebrating the 4th of July.  The three of us bbq'ed at home and even had a surprise fireworks display that we were able to see from our deck.  

Occasionally nature would surprise us too with amazing sunsets and rainbows as we took our daily walks.

And finally, like the rest of America, we accomplished quite a few house projects -- large and small, indoor and outdoor.  Simone's favorite one, however, was transitioning her playroom into her 8th grade classroom.  The last couple of weeks we have redecorated and stocked up everything she needs to start her school year virtually.  Like the so much of the last few months, it will be a challenge, we're sure.  But, we are ready to make the best of it and to keep focus on all the blessings we have rather than what we might be missing.  Stay safe all!  We'll continued to keep you posted!!