Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Happy Presidents' Day!

I'm almost afraid to say it out loud, but.... I think spring may have arrived early.  We have just finished enjoying some of the most glorious weather we could ask for on this three-day weekend. Hard to believe it's February around here! We also had a visit from the Dyer family to mark the holiday weekend with equal parts relaxation and celebration.

On Saturday we had a late morning tea, took a long walk, went for a swim, and enjoyed a Presidents' Day dinner at home.  Simone helped me set a festive table for the meal, but we forgot to take a picture.

On Sunday we did some shopping, went out for dinner, and had a super fun family game night--which was all Simone's idea.  As much as we hate to concede, Team Daddies won (but we all think they cheated, lol!)

And finally, on Monday we set out early to go to the National Museum of African American History and spent the day in DC.  Totally fantastic!

Who would have thought that late February would have given the perfect outdoor weekend?   We're all keeping our fingers crossed that winter doesn't make a comeback this year!