Saturday, February 21, 2009

Our First Family Road Trip

For Valentine's/Presidents Weekend we decided to try to take Simone with us to NYC. The roughly 3 1/2 hour drive is about her limit, and once again proved a bit of a challenge. However, she is getting better with each passing trip, and we hope within a few months her tolerance of the carseat will let us do road trips more often.
On balance, it was a great weekend, but Simone certainly gave a whole new meaning to the city that never sleeps. Between not feeling so well(turned out she had a sinus infection) and being out of her routine, we were up nearly every half our by the second night of our stay!
So here's the weekend...

The hotel at which we stayed...
Views from our room....

The lobby...

Met some friends for dinner on Valentine's evening...
Simone's Valentine's sweater (how cute!)

Then a visit to FAO Schwarz, of course, the best way to pass the day with a nearly-18 mos old.

Why look AT the balls, when...

you can play IN the balls?

Simone and daddy on the famous piano...what fun!!

Mommy, Simone, and leggo Harry Potter...

And of course, we can't forget the babies...

A short walk through Central Park...

Daddy went down the big slide with Simone the first time, but the second time she slid down all on her own. FEARLESS!

We went to dinner in Brooklyn on our last night and ate at a great Italian place right near the bridge. Our view from the table was awesome, it's not every day you get to eat next to Lady Liberty!

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