Tuesday, April 12, 2011

All Tuckered Out

It's incredible, Simone has been mastering more things than we can keep track of these days. Just tonight I noticed that she has learned how to twist her ice cream cone as she eats it rather than eating one side at a time. Over the past couple of weeks, she has also learned how to use a mouse and play computer games; how to ride her scooter and bicycle; and color inside the lines (for the most part); and the list goes on. She's also turned into a little negotiator. Every offer is met with a counter offer and her favorite word is "but". "Ok, daddy, I'll take my bath, BUT can I come back downstairs and watch TV?" She's something else. But all this growing up takes it's toll and here Simone is for only the second time in her whole life -- having fallen asleep on her own, watching TV. What can we say? It takes alot of energy to be Simone!!

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