Sunday, October 27, 2013

An Autumn Tradition

Today we took our annual visit to the Cox Farm Fall Festival with some friends.  We had splendid weather and a very fun afternoon.  Simone really loves this place, and frankly, what's not to love? Running, climbing, swinging, riding, sliding... every kid's idea of a great Saturday afternoon.

Mommy was not on her game with the photography today, I just couldn't catch a good shot of Simone coming down the slides. 

On the hayride... This year they added some live horses to the ride which Simone totally loved.  It was a nice touch.

And of course, our favorite slide.  Mommy and Simone came down holding hands the whole way.  Simone thought that was pretty neat.  She called me her best mommy. lol!

And finally, what would the visit be without standing in the humongous feet.

A fun but tiring day.  We came straight home and Simone snuggled in with daddy to watch a movie while mommy made dinner.  And Simone worked up quite an appetite too because she scarfed down more roasted cauliflower and pumpkin ravioli than I ever thought her little belly could handle.  We'll all sleep well tonight!

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