Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh.... No!

Well, for the very first time in our life we went out tree hunting and came back empty handed.  On Sunday we visited our traditional farm, and found.... nothing.

You'll notice that nearly all of the trees are barely taller than Simone -- just not gonna cut it (no pun intended).

 Next farm and here again, mostly tiny trees with a few that were either way too tall or damaged.

We were hopeful at the next farm, but same thing.  All too small.

Thought we might get lucky here, but ..... still the same problem.

 In 2-3 years all of these places look like they will have a great selection of my beloved Colorado Blue Spruce, but not this year -- devastating.  Apparently demand has been so great over the past few years that the local farms simply can't grow the trees fast enough.

We finally gave up, got some dinner and went home.  So for this year, it looks like we'll have to settle for either a cut tree or an artificial-- I never imagined!  We'll let you know how it all works out...

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