Sunday, April 19, 2015

Second Grade School Project

We've had an extra busy week with all the routine activities, getting everything prepared for First Communion, and last but not least -- Simone's second grade project on famous Americans.  When she first got the assignment to select a famous American, Simone consulted her iPad and chose Katharine Hepburn completely out of the blue.  Needless to say, the entire family has learned an awful lot about Ms. Hepburn in the last few weeks.  Her project was to make a report, a timeline of her life, and a speech -- which Simone will present to the class in an "American Wax Museum" exercise next week.

After lots of research, practice pages, cutting, printing, pasting, and organizing, Simone finished her project today.  MISSION COMPLETE!

One fun fact we learned about Katharine Hepburn is that even though she has won more Oscars for acting than any other actor -- four best actor awards-- she never accepted any of them.  She believed that she didn't need prizes for doing what she loved to do.  After thinking about it for a minute, Simone thought that philosophy made a lot of sense.

Now just to figure out how to get this big, inky poster to school tomorrow morning -- of course it's calling for pouring rain nearly all day.  It's just never easy, is it!?

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