Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Simone finally got some sledding time yesterday.  Believe it or not, the enormity of this storm did not lend itself well to sledding.  We had to dedicate a lot to time to digging out and making sure we cleared critical areas as things start to melt.  We're still in clean up mode, but took a little time to let Simone have fun too!

Marching to the hill.

All bundled up.
And a special treat -- some short video clips of two runs.  The first of Simone...

And then -- mark this on your calendar--- one of DADDY!! (you all are gonna love this one)

Somehow sledding in your 40s just isn't as easy as you remember it to be.  LOL!!!  And yes, that is Simone you hear laughing at her daddy flopping around the slope!

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