Thursday, March 30, 2017

Quick Update

It's been a while, so just thought I'd give a short update.  Not too much going on here with the Dotson trio, but last weekend did bring us a new experience to share with everyone.  Simone was excited to go to her school's first basketball game PTO fundraiser.  The faculty of her school played the faculty of a nearby elementary school-- the house was packed, and school spirit was enormous.  It was also Simone's first basketball game ever.


 In the end, our team lost.  But the game was close and we had a great time cheering on her teachers.

The next day, we went for dinner at a nearby diner.  Nothing terribly eventful, but Simone had a lots of fun playing the jukebox at our table as we enjoyed a pleasant family day in northern VA.

Beyond that we just did some grocery shopping, went to church, and tried to recharge a bit for the week ahead.  Just around the corner will be Spring Break and Easter as well as Simone's school variety show and her 4th grade field trip.  Lots to keep us busy and counting our daily blessings!

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