Friday, June 14, 2019

School IS OUT!

I have an enthusiasm for summer this year that I've never had before.  Perhaps it's because we have not yet gotten into the blistering hot humid days of summer, but we've been loving the long days, the relief from school year stress, and general feeling of summer fun.  We've had a great start to the season so far, with the last of Simone's activities winding down before we get into vacation time!

A week ago we had Simone's piano concert.  This year she played Amazing Grace which she learned in only two weeks.  We, of course, were so proud of the work ethic that she has really developed this year.

The shot below is Simone on the last day of 6th grade. And what better way to celebrate than a morning Starbucks run?  It is simply incredible how the years are flying by.

OK, truth in advertising this was part of a reward.  I would be remiss if I did not take a proud mommy moment here to congratulate our baby bird on an OUTSTANDING school year.  At the beginning of 6th grade we gave her a challenge that we can now officially report she met.  Simone finished her first year of middle school with straight "As" in every quarter in every subject!  What's more important is that she learned the how to take her academic responsibilities seriously, manage her time, and do her best.  (She also learned how to type properly which I'm personally pretty excited about! LOL) 
You crushed it!!

Next up was Simone's dance recital for the acro class she's been enrolled in this year.  I must confess, the show was 2+ hours long and we were fully prepared to have to force ourselves to push through it, BUT--to our surprise-- it was amazing!  All of the dancers were seriously impressive and entertaining.  It kept us engaged the entire time and it was a great show.  Of course, we are biased on the best act ;-)

No photos or videos allowed during the show, but I snapped these during the final bows.

And now we've officially reached the end of school year obligations/activities.  Simone is free for the rest of the summer for a great line up of camps, vacations, bbqs, family visits, friend time and RELAXATION!!
It will be a well-earned break that she really deserves.

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