Monday, December 30, 2019

2019 Wrap Up

Well, the last couple of months flew by.  But before we welcome 2020, I thought I'd post a few highlights of our holiday season. Even though the season was a week shorter than usual this year, we fit in ALOT of festivity to make it merry and bright.  Thanksgiving kicked off the season for us once again with the Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot in our neighborhood.  It was a wickedly windy day, but a great way to get the holiday juices flowing -- pun intended.  lol!  We followed that event with a turkey dinner at Patowmack Farm, and then spent the evening with friends for dessert.

Simone and BF.  

Daddy improved his finish place and time this year.  Go daddy!

The following weekend we attended the Middleburg Christmas parade and festivities with friends.  Such a merry day!

On holiday weekend number two, we went to DC and had holiday tea in Peacock Alley at the Willard.  Such a peaceful, lovely experience -- and yummy too!  This replica of the Jefferson Memorial was made totally of gingerbread and chocolate and complete with a functional water feature filled with miniature baby coy.

 The chef/creator of the gingerbread memorial took was there and took some time to describe his creation to Tony and Simone.  Tony was, of course, more enthralled than Simone.

 But she perked right back up when it was time for tea and treats!

Like daddy, like daughter.

Finally, we again fired up our oven to make cookies for the annual Patowmack Farm cookie exchange.  

We opted for a ginger spice cookie in white chocolate.  I only got one, but they were a big hit.

Christmas week hit a bit of a snag as a wave of strep and flu hit our extended family and foiled much of our plans.  But we're hoping to bounce back for the New Year!

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